M3#28 Computationally reconstructed cerebral parenchyma and ventricle of the human embryo at Carnegie Stage 17.
Data citation:
Naoki Shiraishi , Airi Katayama , Takashi Nakashima , Naoto Shiraki , Shigehito Yamada , Chigako Uwabe , Katsumi Kose and Tetsuya Takakuwa , 2015. M3#28. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf28
Tag legend: aqueduct of midbrain , diencephalon , fourth ventricle , lateral ventricle , mesencephalon , metencephalon , myelencephalon , rhombencephalon , telencephalon , third ventricle
Model solid/transparent
Flags: aqueduct of midbrain , C1 , cerebellum , cerebral hemisphere , chiasmatic plate , diencephalon , epiphysis , fourth ventricle , inferior horn of lateral ventricle , inframamillary recess , infundibular recess , isthmic groove , isthmic recess , isthmus , lateral ventricle , mamillary region , mesencephalon , nerve 5 , nerve 6 , nerve 8 , neurohypophysis , optic ventricle , optic vesicles , supramamillary recess , third ventricle
Specimen infos
Sex : indet
Age group : Foetus Age (if applicable) : Material Type : nerve tissue,ventricle
Origin :
The morphogenesis of the cerebral ventricles was visualized using images derived from human embryo specimens between Carnegie stage(CS) 13 and 23 from Kyoto Collection,which were aquired with a magnetic resonance microscope equipped with a 2.35-T superconducting magnet.
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