
Show planes Show edges
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Human liver at Carnegie Stage (CS) 22

Data citation: Ayumi Hirose Logo, Takashi Nakashima, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada Logo, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose Logo and Tetsuya Takakuwa Logo, 2016. M3#72. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.72

Model solid/transparent

horizontal plane by pyloric antrum, imprint of stomach, indentation by right adrenal gland, IVC, IVC, prominence by diaphragm, PV, UV

Specimen infos

Sex : indet

Age group : Foetus

Age (if applicable) :

Material Type : liver

Origin :

Class : Mammalia

Order : Primates

Family : Hominidae

Genus : Homo

Species :sapiens

The morphogenesis of the human liver was visualized using images derived from human embryo specimens between Carnegie stage (CS) 14 and CS23 from the Kyoto Collection, which were acquired with a magnetic resonance microscope equipped with a 2.35-T superconducting magnet.

Related article
3D models related to the publication: Morphogenesis of the liver during the human embryonic period
Ayumi Hirose, Takashi Nakashima, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose and Tetsuya Takakuwa
Published online: 17/03/2016

Keywords: human embryo; human liver; magnetic resonance imaging; three-dimensional reconstruction


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: Hirose, A., Nakashima, T., Yamada, S., Uwabe, C., Kose, K., Takakuwa, T. 2012. Embryonic liver morphology and morphometry by magnetic resonance microscopic imaging.  Anat Rec (Hoboken) 295, 51-59. doi: 10.1002/ar.21496 

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  M3 article infos

Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)