Current issue

Volume 09, issue 04
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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ISE-MeshTools 1.3.1

Please find enclosed the latest release of ISE-MeshTools (version 1.3.1).

Windows 64 installation : unzip files, and double click on MeshTools.exe file.
Linux :
The source code (Mac, Windows Linux) is available at

This release contains 2 bug corrections and 2 new features.
  • Zoom

ISE-MeshTools should now display correctly objects of both very large and small size (the "auto-zoom" and "clipping-plane" related functions have been corrected).

  • Colours

Colours should be now correctly saved within .PLY files

  • Landmark edition
 Users have now the possibility to have access and to edit landmarks coordinates (Saving landmarks into files is not anymore the only way to get access to landmark coordinates).
  • Landmark digitization
Users can now create new landmarks at specified x,y, and z coordinates (setting landmark using the mouse+keyboard is not anymore the only way to digitize landmarks).

1 file: