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Reconstitution of MNH.F.SOT002123 made from Phoenix X-ray Phoenix V|tome|x CT-scan

Data citation: Mickael Lheritier Logo, Gregory D. Edgecombe Logo, Russell J. Garwood Logo, Adrien Buisson, Alexis . Gerbe Logo, Nicolás Mongiardino Koch Logo, Jean Vannier Logo, Gilles Escarguel Logo, Jérôme Adrien Logo, Vincent Fernandez Logo, Aude Bergeret-Medina Logo, Alexandra Giupponi and Vincent Perrier Logo, 2024. M3#1481. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1481

Model solid/transparent

Specimen infos

Sex : indet

Age group : Juvenile

Age (if applicable) : Kasimovian

Material Type : Complete specimen in a nodule

Origin : Saint-Louis

Class : Arthropleuridea

Order : Arthropleurida

Family : Arthropleuridae

Genus : Arthropleura

Species :sp.

Complete body with the head

Related article
3D models related to the publication: Head anatomy and phylogenomics show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura was a relative to both millipedes and centipedes
Mickael Lheritier, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Russell J. Garwood, Adrien Buisson, Alexis . Gerbe, Nicolás Mongiardino Koch, Jean Vannier, Gilles Escarguel, Jérôme Adrien, Vincent Fernandez, Aude Bergeret-Medina, Alexandra Giupponi and Vincent Perrier
Published online: 11/10/2024

Keywords: Arthropleura; Carboniferous; Montceau-les-Mines; Phylogenomics


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the publication: Head anatomy and phylogenomics show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura was a relative to both millipedes and centipedes. Lhéritier Mickaël, Edgecombe Gregory D., Garwodd Russell J., Buisson Adrien, Gerbe Alexis, Mongiardino Koch Nicolás, Vannier Jean, Escarguel Gilles, Adrien Jérome, Fernandez Vincent, Bergeret-Medina Aude, Giupponi Alexandra and Perrier Vincent. Sciences Advances.

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