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Distal end of the left humerus ECA 1364 attributed to the Adapis group

Data citation: Judit Marigó Logo, Nicole Verrière and Marc Godinot Logo, 2018. M3#362. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.362

Model solid/transparent

Specimen infos

Sex : indet

Age (if applicable) : Escamps, MP19

Material Type : Distal end of a left humerus

Origin :

Class : Mammalia

Order : Primates

Family : Adapidae

Genus : Adapis

Species :sp.

Distal end of the left humerus ECA 1364 attributed to the Adapis group

Related article
3D models related to the publication: Systematic and locomotor diversification of the Adapis group (Primates, Adapiformes) in the late Eocene of the Quercy (Southwest France), revealed by humeral remains.
Judit Marigó, Nicole Verrière and Marc Godinot
Published online: 20/12/2018

Keywords: Adapis; humeri; locomotion; Quercy



    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the publication “Systematic and locomotor diversification of the Adapis group (Primates, Adapiformes) in the late Eocene of the Quercy (Southwest France), revealed by humeral remains”. In this paper, twenty humeral specimens from the old and new Quercy collections attributed to the fossil primates Adapis and Palaeolemur are described and analysed together. In this dataset only the scans of the fossils belonging to the collections of Université de Montpellier are provided.
    In our paper (Marigó et al., 2019) we provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the different humeri, revealing that high variability is present within the “Adapis group” sample. Six different morphotypes are identified, confirming that what has often been called “Adapis parisiensis” is a mix of different species that present different locomotor adaptations. 

  M3 article infos

Published in Volume 04, issue 03 (2018)