
Volume 04, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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MorphoMuseuM Volume 04, issue 02
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3D dataset

Neurocranium and endocranial anatomy of a new large Triassic dapediid.
Ashley E. Latimer Logo and Sam Giles Logo
Published online: 23/08/2018

Keywords: dapedium; Neopterygian; neurocranium; Triassic

References: 2

Cite this article: Ashley E. Latimer and Sam Giles, 2018. Neurocranium and endocranial anatomy of a new large Triassic dapediid. MorphoMuseuM 4:e44. doi: 10.18563/journal.m3.44

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The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: "a giant dapediid from the Late Triassic of Switzerland and insights into neopterygian phylogeny", Royal Society Open Science, 

Specimens and 3D Data

Scopulipiscis saxciput PIMUZ A/I 3026 View specimen


3D surfaces of the skull and endocranial spaces inside neurocranium, including the aortic canal, braincase, fossa bridgei, lateral cranial canal, nerves and other passageways, notochord, posterior myodome, and right semicircular canals.

Type: "3D_surfaces"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.177   state:published

Download 3D surface file


Scan of the neurocranium of PIMUZ A/I 3026

Type: "3D_CT"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.178   state:published

Download CT data


Published in Volume 04, issue 02 (2018)


Latimer, A. E. and Giles S., 2018. A giant dapediid from the Late Triassic of Switzerland and insights into neopterygian phylogeny. Royal Society of Open Science,
Cignoni P., Callieri M., Corsini M., Dellepiane M., Ganovelli F., Ranzuglia G., 2008. MeshLab: an Open-Source Mesh Processing Tool. In Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference (eds V Scarano, R De Chiara, U Erra), The Eurographics Association.