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MorphoDig Releases

The source code of MorphoDig is available on Github .

MorphoDig 1.6.8  (30/06/2023)


    New feature in MorphoDig 1.6.8 :

    • Differences between two surfaces sharing the same topology (same number of vertices and triangles) can now be quantified and visualized : triangle area variation and normal + tangent displacement of vertices. This functionality makes it possible to visualize surface deformations achieved via Thin Plate Spline interpolation function. The most useful case is to improve visualisation patterns along multivariate analysis deformation axes (for instance along Principal Component Analysis axes) : typically a "template" surface is used and deformed (via TPS interpolation function) along deformation axes (such as Principal Component axes), and the newly created MorphoDig feature improves the visualization of these deformations.

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MorphoDig 1.6.7  (24/10/2022)


    New feature in MorphoDig 1.6.7 :

    • variation in scalar mean, median etc. can now be decomposed and exported along a direction of interest (X, Y or Z)

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