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Molariform and associated dentinal microstructure

Data citation: François Pujos Logo, Lionel Hautier Logo, Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo, Myriam Boivin Logo, Benoit Moison Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo, Juila V. Tejada Logo, Rafael M. Varas-Malca Logo, Johan Yans Logo and Laurent Marivaux Logo, 2025. M3#1600. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1600

Main model solid/transparent

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Second model transparent/solid

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Cement, Orthodentine, Pulp_cavity, Tubes_vasodentine, Vasodentine

Specimen infos

Sex : indet

Age group : Adult

Age (if applicable) :

Material Type : Molariform

Origin : indet

Class : Mammalia

Order : Pilosa

Family : Bradypodidae

Genus : Bradypus

Species :tridactylus

Right upper molariform (MF4) and associated detinal microstructure

Related article
3D models related to the publication: Unexpected pampatheriid from the early Oligocene of Peruvian Amazonia: insights into the tropical differentiation of cingulate xenarthrans.
François Pujos, Lionel Hautier, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Myriam Boivin, Benoit Moison, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi, Juila V. Tejada, Rafael M. Varas-Malca, Johan Yans and Laurent Marivaux
Published online: 28/03/2025

Keywords: dentinal microstructure; Palaeogene; Pampatheriidae; Peru; Xenarthra


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Pujos F., Hautier L., Antoine P-O., Boivin M., Moison B, Salas-Gismondi R, Tejada J.V. , Varas-Malca R.M., Yans J., Marivaux L. (2025). Unexpected pampatheriid from the early Oligocene of Peruvian Amazonia: insights into the tropical differentiation of cingulate xenarthrans. Historical Biology. 

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