3D models of Peratherium musivum and Pt. maximum (early Eocene, France)
Anterior dentition of Indohyus indirae
Endocranial cast of Khirtharia
3D GM dataset of bird skeletal variation
Skeletal embryonic development in the catshark
Bony connexions of the petrosal bone of extant hippos
bony labyrinth (11) , inner ear (10) , Eocene (8) , South America (8) , Paleobiogeography (7) , skull (7) , phylogeny (6)
Maëva Judith Orliac (21) , Lionel Hautier (21) , Laurent Marivaux (14) , Bastien Mennecart (12) , Pierre-Olivier Antoine (11) , Renaud Lebrun (10) , Rodolphe Tabuce (10)
MorphoMuseuM Vol. 01, Issue 02
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Original article : type specimenHolotype specimen of Donrussellia magna, an adapiform primate from the early Eocene (MP7) of Southern FranceAnusha Ramdarshan, Marc Godinot
Published online: 18/06/2015 |
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M3#173D surface file model of UM PAT 17 (type specimen of Donrussellia magna), which is a well preserved left lower jaw with p4-m3. The teeth (and roots) were manually segmented. Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf17 state:published |
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M3#18CT Scan Data of Donrussellia magna UM PAT 17. Voxel size (in µm): 36µm (isotropic voxels). Dimensions in x,y,z : 594 pixels, 294 pixels, 1038 pixels. Image type : 8-bit voxels. Image format : raw data format (no header). Type: "3D_CT"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf18 state:published |
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