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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Articles using keyword "bony labyrinth"

Page 1 of 1, showing 11 record(s) out of 11 total

3D models related to the publication: Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the Oligocene of the Quercy Phosphorites (southwestern France)
Camille Grohé Logo, Jérôme Surault Logo, Axelle Gardin Logo and Louis de Bonis Logo
Published online: 08/05/2022

Keywords: Aeluroidea; bony labyrinth; brain endocast; stapes; Stenoplesictoid


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Bonis, L. de, Grohé, C., Surault, J., Gardin, A. 2022. Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the Oligocene of the Quercy Phosphorites (southwestern France). Historical Biology. 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: First records of extinct kentriodontid and squalodelphinid dolphins from the Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian age) of Switzerland and a reappraisal of the Swiss cetacean fauna.
Gabriel Aguirre-Fernández Logo, Jürg Jost and Sarah Hilfiker Logo
Published online: 19/04/2022

Keywords: bony labyrinth; inner ear; Kentriodontidae; Physeteridae; Squalodelphinidae


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Aguirre-Fernández G, Jost J, and Hilfiker S. 2022. First records of extinct kentriodontid and squalodelphinid dolphins from the Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian age) of Switzerland and a reappraisal of the Swiss cetacean fauna. 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Reassessment of the enigmatic ruminant Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Pecora).
Bastien Mennecart Logo, Grégoire Métais Logo, Jérémy Tissier Logo, Loïc Costeur Logo and Gertrud Rössner Logo
Published online: 01/02/2021

Keywords: bony labyrinth; Miocene; Petrosal bone; ruminant; skull


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Mennecart B., Métais G., Costeur L., Ginsburg L, and Rössner G. 2021, Reassessment of the enigmatic ruminant Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Pecora). PlosOne. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

A delphinid petrosal bone from a gravesite on Ahu Tahai, Easter Island: taxonomic attribution, external and internal morphology.
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Catherine Orliac, Michel C. Orliac and Antoine Hautin
Published online: 31/03/2020

Keywords: bony labyrinth; petrosal; Rapanui; stapes; vestibulo cochlear nerve


    In this contribution, we describe the external and internal morphology of a delphinid petrosal bone collected from Ahu Tahai, a burial site located on the Southwestern coast of Easter Island, at Hangaroa. We discuss the taxonomic attribution of this archaeological item and describe its internal structures based on µCT data, including the bony labyrinth and the nerve and vein patterns. Identification of the nerves exists lead us to relocate the identification of the foramen singulare in delphinid petrosals.


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Published in Volume 06, issue 02 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids.
Amélie Beaudet Logo, Guillaume Fleury, Emmanuel Gilissen, Jean Dumoncel Logo, John F. Thackeray Logo, Laurent Bruxelles Logo, Benjamin Duployer Logo, Christophe Tenailleau Logo, Lunga Bam Logo, Jakobus Hoffman Logo, Frikke De Beer and José Braga Logo
Published online: 10/10/2019

Keywords: bony labyrinth; cercopithecoids; enamel-dentine junction; upper third molars


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of the enamel-dentine junctions of upper third molars and of the bony labyrinths of the extant cercopithecoid specimens analyzed in the following publication: Beaudet, A., Dumoncel, J., Thackeray, J.F., Bruxelles, L., Duployer, B., Tenailleau, C., Bam, L., Hoffman, J., de Beer, F., Braga, J.: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids. Journal of Human Evolution 95, 104-120. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 01 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy of the bony labyrinth of the bats Platalina genovensium (Phyllostomidae, Lonchophyllinae) and Tomopeas ravus (Molossidae, Tomopeatinae)
Paul M. Velazco Logo and Camille Grohé Logo
Published online: 09/04/2018

Keywords: bony labyrinth; Chiroptera; cochlea


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Velazco P. M., Grohé C. 2017. Comparative anatomy of the bony labyrinth of the bats Platalina genovensium (Phyllostomidae, Lonchophyllinae) and Tomopeas ravus (Molossidae, Tomopeatinae). Biotempo 14(2). 

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 04 (2017)

3D models related to the publication: Size Variation under Domestication: Conservatism in the inner ear shape of wolves, dogs and dingoes
Anita V. Schweizer, Renaud Lebrun Logo, Laura A. B. Wilson Logo, Loïc Costeur Logo, Thomas Schmelzle and Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra Logo
Published online: 17/10/2017

Keywords: bony labyrinth; cochlea; feralisation; inner ear; petrosal; semicircular canal; zooarchaeology


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the following publication: Size variation under domestication: Conservatism in the inner ear shape of wolves, dogs and dingoes. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 13330,

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 04 (2017)

3D models related to the publication: Infrasonic and ultrasonic hearing evolved after the emergence of modern whales
Maëva J. Orliac Logo and Mickaël Mourlam Logo
Published online: 08/06/2017

Keywords: archaeocete; Artiodactyla; bony labyrinth; cochlea; Lutetian


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the bony labyrinths of two protocetid archaeocetes from the locality of Kpogamé, Togo, described and figured in the publication of Mourlam and Orliac (2017).  

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 02 (2017)

3D models related to the publication: The petrosal and bony labyrinth of Diplobune minor, an enigmatic Artiodactyla from the Oligocene of Western Europe
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Ricardo Araújo Logo and Fabrice Lihoreau Logo
Published online: 26/05/2017

Keywords: Anoplotheriidae; bony labyrinth; Quercy Phosphorites


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the publication entitled "The petrosal and bony labyrinth of Diplobune minor, an enigmatic Artiodactyla from the Oligocene of Western Europe" by Orliac, Araújo, and Lihoreau published in Journal of Morphology (Orliac et al. 2017)

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 01 (2017)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: Prenatal growth stages show the development of the ruminant bony labyrinth and petrosal bone.
Loïc Costeur Logo and Bastien Mennecart Logo
Published online: 19/10/2016

Keywords: bony labyrinth; foetus; ossification timing; phylogeny; Ruminantia


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Costeur L., Mennecart B., Müller B., Schulz G., 2016. Prenatal growth stages show the development of the ruminant bony labyrinth and petrosal bone. Journal of Anatomy. 

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Published in Volume 02, Issue 02 (2017)

3D model related to the publication: The inner ear of Megatherium and the evolution of the vestibular system in sloths.
Guillaume Billet Logo, Damien Germain Logo, Irina Ruf Logo, Christian de Muizon Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 24/02/2015

Keywords: bony labyrinth; inner ear; Megatherium; Sloth


    This contribution contains the 3D model described and figured in the following publication: Billet G., Germain D., Ruf I., Muizon C. de, Hautier L. 2013. The inner ear of Megatherium and the evolution of the vestibular system in sloths. Journal of Anatomy 123:557-567, DOI: 10.1111/joa.12114


    Megatherium americanum MNHN.F.PAM276 View specimen


    This model corresponds to a virtually reconstructed bony labyrinth of the right inner ear of the skull MNHN-F-PAM 276, attributed to the extinct giant ground sloth Megatherium americanum. The fossil comes from Pleistocene deposits at Rio Salado (Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina). The bony labyrinth of Megatherium shows semicircular canals that are proportionally much larger than in the modern two-toed and three-toed sloths. The cochlea in Megatherium shows 2.5 turns, which is a rather high value within Xenarthra. Overall, the shape of the bony labyrinth of Megatherium resembles more that of extant armadillos than that of its extant sloth relatives.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf14   state:published

    Download 3D surface file

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Published in Vol. 01, Issue 02 (2015)


Page 1 of 1, showing 11 record(s) out of 11 total