3D models of Peratherium musivum and Pt. maximum (early Eocene, France)
Anterior dentition of Indohyus indirae
Endocranial cast of Khirtharia
3D GM dataset of bird skeletal variation
Skeletal embryonic development in the catshark
Bony connexions of the petrosal bone of extant hippos
bony labyrinth (11) , inner ear (10) , Eocene (8) , South America (8) , Paleobiogeography (7) , skull (7) , phylogeny (6)
Lionel Hautier (22) , Maëva Judith Orliac (21) , Laurent Marivaux (15) , Pierre-Olivier Antoine (12) , Bastien Mennecart (12) , Renaud Lebrun (10) , Rodolphe Tabuce (10)
MorphoMuseuM Volume 06, issue 02
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Original articleA delphinid petrosal bone from a gravesite on Ahu Tahai, Easter Island: taxonomic attribution, external and internal morphology.Maëva J. Orliac
Published online: 31/03/2020 |
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M3#420Stapes Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.420 state:published |
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M3#421petrosal bone Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.421 state:published |
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M3#422in situ bony labyrinth Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.422 state:published |
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M3#423bony labyrinth and associated nerves and blood vessels Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.423 state:published |
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