
Volume 05, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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MorphoMuseuM Volume 05, issue 02
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3D dataset

3D model related to the publication: New data on the Miocene dormouse Simplomys García-Paredes, 2009 from the peri-alpin basins of Switzerland and Germany: palaeodiversity of a rare genus in Central Europe
Xiaoyu Lu Logo, Olivier Maridet Logo and Jérôme Priéto Logo
Published online: 13/05/2019

Keywords: Early Miocene; Gliridae; Maxilla; Simplomys; Switzerland

References: 3

Cite this article: Xiaoyu Lu, Olivier Maridet and Jérôme Priéto, 2019. 3D model related to the publication: New data on the Miocene dormouse Simplomys García-Paredes, 2009 from the peri-alpin basins of Switzerland and Germany: palaeodiversity of a rare genus in Central Europe. MorphoMuseuM 5:e83. doi: 10.18563/journal.m3.83

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This contribution contains the 3D model of the holotype of Simplomys hugi, the new dormouse species from the locality of Glovelier described and figured in the following publication: New data on the Miocene dormouse Simplomys García-Paredes, 2009 from the peri-alpin basins of Switzerland and Germany: palaeodiversity of a rare genus in Central Europe. 

Specimens and 3D Data

Simplomys hugi MJSN-GLM017-0001 View specimen


the left maxilla with four teeth ( DP4, P4, M1 and M2)

Type: "3D_surfaces"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.385   state:published

Download 3D surface file


Published in Volume 05, issue 02 (2019)


García-Paredes, I., Peláez-Campomanes, P., Álvarez-Sierra, M. A. 2009. Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 157, 622–652.
García-Paredes, I., Álvarez-Sierra, M. Á., Hoek Ostende, L. W. van den, Hernández Ballarín, V., Hordijk, K., López Guerrero, P., Oliver Pérez, A., Peláez-Campomanes, P. 2016. The Aragonian and Vallesian high-resolution micromammal succession from the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin (Aragón, Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 15, 753–762.
Prieto, J., Lu, X. Y., Maridet, O., Becker, D., Pirkenseer, C., Rauber, G., & Peláez-Campomanes, P. 2018. New data on the Miocene dormouse Simplomys García-Paredes, 2009 from the peri-alpin basins of Switzerland and Germany: palaeodiversity of a rare genus in Central Europe. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 1-17.