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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Specimen infos
Collection : University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal

Inventory number : SN103

Sex : indet

Age group : Adult

Age (if applicable) : Lutetian

Material Type : innominate

Origin : Senegal

Class : Mammalia

Order : Artiodactyla

Family : Protocetidae

Genus : indet.

Species :indet.

The Lutetian cetacean specimen from Senegal is a partial left innominate. Its overall form and proportions, particularly the well-formed lunate surface with a deep and narrow acetabular notch, and the complete absence of pachyostosis and osteosclerosis, mark it as a probable middle Eocene protocetid cetacean. Its size corresponds to the newly described Togocetus traversei from the Lutetian deposits of Togo.

Related article
3D model related to the publication: First record of the family Protocetidae in the Lutetian of Senegal (West Africa)
Lionel Hautier Logo, Raphaël Sarr Logo, Fabrice Lihoreau Logo, Rodolphe Tabuce Logo and Pierre Marwan Hameh
Published online: 05/12/2014

Keywords: Innominate; Protocetid; Senegal

Cite this article: Lionel Hautier, Raphaël Sarr, Fabrice Lihoreau, Rodolphe Tabuce and Pierre Marwan Hameh, 2014. 3D model related to the publication: First record of the family Protocetidae in the Lutetian of Senegal (West Africa). MorphoMuseuM 1 (1)-e2. doi: 10.18563/m3.1.1.e2

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    This contribution contains the 3D model described and figured in the following publication: Hautier L, Sarr R, Lihoreau F, Tabuce R, Marwan Hameh P. 2014. First record of the family Protocetidae in the Lutetian of Senegal (West Africa). Palaeovertebrata 38(2)-e2 

  See original publication
  M3 article infos

Published in Vol. 01, Issue 01 (2015)


3D data


SN103, partial left innominate. Age and occurrence – Taïba Formation, Lutetian of the near Taïba Ndiaye, quarry of the Industries Chimiques du Sénégal (ICS)

Type: "3D_surfaces"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf5

Data citation: Lionel Hautier, Raphaël Sarr, Fabrice Lihoreau, Rodolphe Tabuce and Pierre Marwan Hameh, 2015. M3#5. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf5


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