3D models of Peratherium musivum and Pt. maximum (early Eocene, France)
Anterior dentition of Indohyus indirae
Endocranial cast of Khirtharia
3D GM dataset of bird skeletal variation
Skeletal embryonic development in the catshark
Bony connexions of the petrosal bone of extant hippos
bony labyrinth (11) , inner ear (10) , Eocene (8) , South America (8) , Paleobiogeography (7) , skull (7) , phylogeny (6)
Maëva Judith Orliac (21) , Lionel Hautier (21) , Laurent Marivaux (14) , Bastien Mennecart (12) , Pierre-Olivier Antoine (11) , Renaud Lebrun (10) , Rodolphe Tabuce (10)
MorphoMuseuM Volume 06, issue 03
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3D dataset3D models related to the publication: New material of Epiaceratherium and a new species of Mesaceratherium clear up the phylogeny of the early Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla)Jérémy Tissier
Published online: 15/07/2020 |
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M3#5343D surface model of the mandible NMB.O.B.928 of Epiaceratherium magnum, with texture file. Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.534 state:published |
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Epiaceratherium magnum NMB.O.B.928 + MJSN POI007–245 + NMB.I.O.43 View specimen
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M3#535Archetypal reconstruction of the skull of Epiaceratherium, generated by 3D virtual association of the cranium of E. delemontense (MJSN POI007–245, in blue), mandible of E. magnum (NMB.O.B.928, green) and snout of E. bolcense (NMB.I.O.43, in orange). Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.535 state:published |
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Tissier J, Antoine PO, Becker D. In prep. New material of Epiaceratherium and a new species of Mesaceratherium clear up the phylogeny of the early Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla). Royal Society Open Science. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200633
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Jérémy Tissier, Pierre-Olivier Antoine and Damien Becker (2020). New material ofEpiaceratheriumand a new species ofMesaceratheriumclear up the phylogeny of early Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla). Royal Society Open Science. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200633