3D models of Peratherium musivum and Pt. maximum (early Eocene, France)
Anterior dentition of Indohyus indirae
Endocranial cast of Khirtharia
3D GM dataset of bird skeletal variation
Skeletal embryonic development in the catshark
Bony connexions of the petrosal bone of extant hippos
bony labyrinth (11) , inner ear (10) , Eocene (8) , South America (8) , Paleobiogeography (7) , skull (7) , phylogeny (6)
Maƫva Judith Orliac (21) , Lionel Hautier (21) , Laurent Marivaux (14) , Bastien Mennecart (12) , Pierre-Olivier Antoine (11) , Renaud Lebrun (10) , Rodolphe Tabuce (10)
MorphoMuseuM Volume 04, issue 03
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3D dataset3D models related to the publication: Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines.Laurent Marivaux
Published online: 05/10/2018 |
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M3#365CBI-1-544, left maxilla preserving P3-M3 and alveoli for P2 and C1 Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.365 state:published |
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Djebelemur martinezi CBI-1-567 View specimen
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M3#363Isolated left upper P4 Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.363 state:published |
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Djebelemur martinezi CBI-1-565-577-587-580 View specimen
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M3#366- CBI-1-565, a damaged right mandible, which consists of three isolated pieces found together and reassembled here: the anterior part of the dentary bears the p3 and m1, and alveoli for p4, p2 and c, while the posterior part preserves m3 and a portion of the ascending ramus; the m2 was found isolated but in the same small calcareous block treated by acid processing. - CBI-1-577, isolated right lower p4. - CBI-1-587, isolated left lower p2 (reversed). - CBI-1-580, isolated left lower canine (reversed). Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.366 state:published |
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Djebelemur martinezi CBI-1-545 View specimen
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M3#364Right Talus Type: "3D_surfaces"doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.364 state:published |
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Hartenberger, J.-L., Crochet, J.-Y., Martinez, C., Feist, M., Godinot, M., Mannai Tayech, B., Marandat, B., Sigé, B., 1997. Le gisement de mammifères de Chambi (Éocène, Tunisie centrale) dans son contexte géologique. Apport à la connaissance de l'évolution des mammifères en Afrique. In: Aguilar, J.-P., Legendre, S., Michaux, J. (Eds), Actes du Congrès BiochroM'97. Mémoires des Travaux de l'E.P.H.E., Montpellier, pp. 263-274.
Hartenberger, J.-L., Crochet, J.-Y., Martinez, C., Marandat, B., Sigé, B., 2001. The Eocene mammalian fauna of Chambi (Tunisia) in its geological context. In: Gunnell, G. F. (Ed.), Eocene Biodiversity: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats. Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York, pp. 237-250. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-1271-4_9
Hartenberger, J.-L., Marandat, B., 1992. A new genus and species of an early Eocene primate from North Africa. Human Evolution 7(1), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02437474
Lebrun, R., 2018. MorphoDig, an open-source 3D freeware dedicated to biology. 5th International Paleontological Congress (IPC5) – The Fossil Week, July 9-13th, 2018 (Paris, France). Abstract volume, 399.
Marivaux, L., Ramdarshan, A., Essid, E. M., Marzougui, W., Khayati Ammar, H., Lebrun, R., Marandat, B., Merzeraud, G., Tabuce, R., Vianey-Liaud, M., 2013. Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines. PLoS ONE 8(12-e80778), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080778
Marivaux, L., Essid, E. M., Marzougui, W., Khayati Ammar, H., Merzeraud, G., Tabuce, R., Vianey-Liaud, M., 2015. The early evolutionary history of anomaluroid rodents in Africa: new dental remains of a zegdoumyid (Zegdoumyidae, Anomaluroidea) from the Eocene of Tunisia. Zoologica Scripta 44(2), 117-134. https://doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12095
Tabuce, R., Charruault, A.-L., Adaci, M., Bensalah, M., Ben Haj Ali, M., Essid, E. M., Marivaux, L., Vianey-Liaud, M., Mahboubi, M., 2011. The early Eocene radiation of Hyracoidea (Mammalia, Afrotheria): new fieldwork evidence from northwestern Africa. In: Lehmann, T., Schaal, S. F. K. (Eds), 22nd International Senckenberg – The World at the Time of Messel: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment and the History of Early Primates. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt. pp. 161-162.