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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Specimen infos

Sex : indet

Age (if applicable) : extant

Material Type : Skull

Origin :

Class : Sauropsida

Order : Testudines

Family : Testudinidae

Genus : Malacochersus

Species :tornieri

Scanned skull of pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri

Related article
3D data and models related to the publication: An updated description of the osteology of the pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Testudines: Testudinidae) with special focus on intraspecific variation.
Anna-Katharina Mautner Logo, Ashley E. Latimer Logo, Uwe Fritz Logo and Torsten M. Scheyer Logo
Published online: 25/01/2017

Keywords: brain endocast; chelonian shell; micro computed tomography; Morphology; variability

Cite this article: Anna-Katharina Mautner , Ashley E. Latimer, Uwe Fritz and Torsten M. Scheyer, 2017. 3D data and models related to the publication: An updated description of the osteology of the pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Testudines: Testudinidae) with special focus on intraspecific variation. MorphoMuseuM 2 (2)-e4. doi: 10.18563/m3.2.2.e4

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    The present publication contains the µCT dataset and the 3D models analyzed in the following publication: Mautner, A.-K., A. E. Latimer, U. Fritz, and T. M. Scheyer. An updated description of the osteology of the pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Testudines: Testudinidae) with special focus on intraspecific variation. Journal of Morphology. 

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Published in Volume 02, Issue 02 (2017)


3D data


Virtual brain and inner ear endocast of Malacochersus tornieri (ZM 100.102; Zoological Museum of The University of Zurich). This virtual model is accompanied by the 3D dataset. Blue, endocranium; red, blood vessels; purple, semicircular canals; yellow, cranial nerves.

Type: "3D_surfaces"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.129

Data citation: Anna-Katharina Mautner , Ashley E. Latimer, Uwe Fritz and Torsten M. Scheyer, 2017. M3#129. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.129


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3D dataset of skull of Malacochersus tornieri (ZM 100.102)

Type: "3D_CT"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.130

Data citation: Anna-Katharina Mautner , Ashley E. Latimer, Uwe Fritz and Torsten M. Scheyer, 2017. M3#130. doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.130


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