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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Articles of Francisco Ricardo Negri

Page 1 of 1, showing 4 record(s) out of 4 total

3D model related to the publication: An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Francisco R. Negri Logo and Ana M. Ribeiro Logo
Published online: 04/07/2023

Keywords: Brazilian Amazonia; early Anthropoidea; Eosimiidae; Paleobiogeography; Platyrrhini


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional digital model of one isolated fossil tooth of an anthropoid primate (Ashaninkacebus simpsoni), discovered in sedimentary deposits located on the upper Rio Juruá in State of Acre, Brazil (Western Amazonia). This fossil was described, figured and discussed in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2023), An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.  

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Postcranial morphology of the extinct rodent Neoepiblema (Rodentia: Chinchilloidea): insights into the paleobiology of neoepiblemids
Leonardo Kerber Logo, Adriana M. Candela Logo, José D. Ferreira Logo, Flávio A. Pretto Logo, Jamile Bubadué Logo and Francisco R. Negri Logo
Published online: 20/10/2021

Keywords: Chinchilloidea; functional morphology; Giant rodents; Neogene; Solimões Formation.


    This contribution contains the 3D models of postcranial bones (humerus, ulna, innominate, femur, tibia, astragalus, navicular, and metatarsal III) described and figured in the following publication: “Postcranial morphology of the extinct rodent Neoepiblema (Rodentia: Chinchilloidea): insights into the paleobiology of neoepiblemids”. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)

3D model related to the publication: Small within the largest: Brain size and anatomy of the extinct Neoepiblema acreensis, a giant rodent from the Neotropics
José D. Ferreira Logo, Francisco R. Negri Logo, Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra Logo and Leonardo Kerber Logo
Published online: 02/03/2020

Keywords: brain endocast.; Caviomorpha; Endocranium; palaeobiology


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of the brain endocast of Neoepiblema acreensis analyzed in “Small within the largest: Brain size and anatomy of the extinct Neoepiblema acreensis, a giant rodent from the Neotropics”. The 3D model was generated using CT-Scanning and techniques of virtual reconstruction.

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Published in Volume 06, issue 01 (2020)

3D models of fossils of Dinomyidae rodents (Rodentia: Caviomorpha) from the Miocene and Quaternary of Brazil
Leonardo Kerber Logo, David Dias da Silva Logo and Francisco R. Negri Logo
Published online: 18/07/2019

Keywords: Micro CT-SCan; Morphology; Potamarchinae; Serra da Capivara; Solimões Formation


    This contribution contains 3D models of extinct rodents Dinomyidae from Miocene and Quaternary of Brazil. The Miocene specimens that were digitalized include the holotypes of Potamarchus adamiae, Pseudopotamarchus villanuevai, and Ferigolomys pacarana collected in the Solimões Formation (Upper Miocene), northern Brazil. The Quaternary specimens are the holotype and paratype of Niedemys piauiensis, found in Upper Pleistocene deposits from northeast Brazil. 

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Published in Volume 05, issue 03 (2019)


Page 1 of 1, showing 4 record(s) out of 4 total