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Volume 09, issue 04
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Page 2 of 9, showing 20 record(s) out of 167 total

A 3D reconstruction of the skull of the West Indian Ocean coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
Luigi Manuelli, Raphael Covain Logo and Lionel Cavin Logo
Published online: 14/09/2023

Keywords: coelacanth; Computed Tomography; Cranial osteology; Latimeria


    We provide a 3D reconstruction of the skull of Latimeria chalumnae that can be easily accessed and visualized for a better understanding of its cranial anatomy. Different skeletal elements are saved as separate PLY files that can be combined to visualize the entire skull or isolated to virtually dissect the skull. We included some guidelines for a fast and easy visualization of the 3D skull. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models associated to: Paleoneurology of Artiodactyla, an overview of the evolution of the artiodactyl brain
Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 15/12/2022

Keywords: artiodactyl; brain; cerebrum; endocast; neopallium


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models illustrated and described in the chapter “Paleoneurology of Artiodactyla, an overview of the evolution of the artiodactyl brain” (Orliac et al. 2022) published in "Paleoneurology of amniotes: new directions in the study of fossil endocasts", edited by Dozo, Paulina-Carabajal, Macrini and Walsh.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 04 (2022)

A 3D geometric morphometric dataset quantifying skeletal variation in birds
Alexander Bjarnason Logo and Roger Benson Logo
Published online: 09/02/2021

Keywords: birds; geometric morphometrics; macroevolution; Morphology; skeleton


    Macroevolution is integral to understanding the patterns of the diversification of life. As the life sciences increasingly use big data approaches, large multivariate datasets are required to test fundamental macroevolutionary hypotheses. In vertebrate evolution, large datasets have been created to quantify morphological variation, largely focusing on particular areas of the skeleton. We provide a landmarking protocol to quantify morphological variation in skeletal elements across the head, trunk, hindlimb and forelimb using 3-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks, and present a large pan-skeletal database of bird morphology for 149 taxa across avian phylogeny using CT scan data. This large collection of 3D models and geometric morphometric data is open access and can be used in the future for new research, teaching and outreach. The 3D models and CT scans of the 149 specimens related to this project can be downloaded at MorphoSource (

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the Oligocene of the Quercy Phosphorites (southwestern France)
Camille Grohé Logo, Jérôme Surault Logo, Axelle Gardin Logo and Louis de Bonis Logo
Published online: 08/05/2022

Keywords: Aeluroidea; bony labyrinth; brain endocast; stapes; Stenoplesictoid


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Bonis, L. de, Grohé, C., Surault, J., Gardin, A. 2022. Description of the first cranium and endocranial structures of Stenoplesictis minor (Mammalia, Carnivora), an early aeluroid from the Oligocene of the Quercy Phosphorites (southwestern France). Historical Biology. 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata)
Kévin Le Verger Logo, Laureano Gonzalez Ruiz and Guillaume Billet Logo
Published online: 07/04/2023

Keywords: alveolar cavities; canals; cingulata; cranial anatomy; evolutionary scenarios.


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the following publication: Le Verger K., González Ruiz L.R., Billet G. 2021. Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Journal of Anatomy 00: 1-30 p. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D model of Palaeolama sp. related to the publication: Endocranial casts of Camelops hesternus and Palaeolama sp., new insights into the recent history of the camelid brain.
Ana Balcarcel Logo, Dylan Bastiaans and Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 25/09/2023

Keywords: Artiodactyla; Camelidae; natural endocast; neocortex


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of the endocranial cast of Palaeolama sp. from the mid-Pleistocene (~1.2 Mya) of South America, analyzed in Balcarcel et al. 2023.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: New remains of Neotropical bunodont litopterns and the systematics of Megadolodinae (Mammalia: Litopterna)
Juan D. Carrillo Logo, Catalina Suarez Logo, Aldo Benites-Palomino Logo, Andrés Vanegas, Andrés Link Logo, Aldo F. Rincón Burbano Logo, Javier Luque Logo, Siobhán B. Cooke Logo, Melissa Tallman Logo and Guillaume Billet Logo
Published online: 31/08/2023

Keywords: fossils; La Venta; Litopterna; Miocene; South America


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in: New remains of Neotropical bunodont litopterns and the systematics of Megadolodinae (Mammalia: Litopterna). Geodiversitas. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: A new large pantherine and a sabre-toothed cat (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) from the late Miocene hominoid-bearing Khorat sand pits, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, northeastern Thailand.
Camille Grohé Logo, Arnaud Mazurier Logo, Alicia Blasi-Toccacceli Logo, Louis D. Bonis Logo, Yaowalak Chaimanee Logo, Olivier Chavasseau Logo, Kantapon Suraprasit Logo, Mana Rugbumrung Logo and Jean-Jacques Jaeger Logo
Published online: 04/09/2023

Keywords: Neogene; Pantherinae; Southeast Asia


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Bonis et al. 2023. A new large pantherine and a sabre-toothed cat (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) from the late Miocene hominoid-bearing Khorat sand pits, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, northeastern Thailand. The Science of Nature 110(5):42.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: “Molar wear in house mice: insight into diet preferences at an ecological time scale?”
Sabrina Renaud Logo, Ronan Ledevin Logo, Caroline Romestaing Logo and Emilie A. Hardouin Logo
Published online: 28/07/2023

Keywords: dental functional morphology; mastication; Mus musculus domesticus; Sub-Antarctic environment


    This contribution contains 3D models of upper molar rows of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) belonging to Western European commensal and Sub-Antarctic feral populations. These two groups are characterized by different patterns of wear and alignment of the three molars along the row, related to contrasted masticatory demand in relation with their diet. These models are analyzed in the following publication: Renaud et al 2023, “Molar wear in house mice, insight into diet preferences at an ecological time scale?”,

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: Anatomy of the holotype of “Probelesodon kitchingi revisited, a chiniquodontid cynodont (Synapsida, Probainognathia) from the early Late Triassic of southern Brazil
Carolina Hoffmann Logo, Agustín Martinelli Logo and Marco Brandalise de Andrade Logo
Published online: 23/05/2023

Keywords: Computed Tomography; Cynodontia; Morphology; Triassic


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the following publication: Carolina A. Hoffmann, A. G. Martinelli & M. B. Andrade. 2023. Anatomy of the holotype of “Probelesodon” kitchingi revisited, a chiniquodontid cynodont (Synapsida, Probainognathia) from the early Late Triassic of southern Brazil, Journal of Paleontology 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Francisco R. Negri Logo and Ana M. Ribeiro Logo
Published online: 04/07/2023

Keywords: Brazilian Amazonia; early Anthropoidea; Eosimiidae; Paleobiogeography; Platyrrhini


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional digital model of one isolated fossil tooth of an anthropoid primate (Ashaninkacebus simpsoni), discovered in sedimentary deposits located on the upper Rio Juruá in State of Acre, Brazil (Western Amazonia). This fossil was described, figured and discussed in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2023), An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.  

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks
Aldo Benites-Palomino Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo, Ali Altamirano-Sierra Logo, Alberto Collareta Logo, Jorge D. Carrillo-Briceño Logo and Mario Urbina Logo
Published online: 29/06/2022

Keywords: bite marks; cetaceans; predation; sharks; sperm whales


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Benites-Palomino A., Velez-Juarbe J., Altamirano-Sierra A., Collareta A., Carrillo-Briceño J., and Urbina M. 2022. Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their Trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Deciphering the morphological variation and its ontogenetic dynamics in the Late Devonian conodont Icriodus alternatus
Catherine Girard, Anne-Lise Charruault Logo, Thomas Gluck, Carlo Corradini Logo and Sabrina Renaud Logo
Published online: 08/02/2022

Keywords: Conodonts; geometric morphometrics; Late Devonian; ontogenetic trajectory


    This contribution contains the 3D models of a set of Famennian conodont elements belonging to the species Icriodus alternatus analyzed in the following publication: Girard et al. 2022: Deciphering the morphological variation and its ontogenetic dynamics in the Late Devonian conodont Icriodus alternatus

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Published in Volume 08, issue 01 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Pushing the boundary? Testing the ‘functional elongation hypothesis’ of the giraffe’s neck
Marilena A. Müller, Luisa J. Merten Logo, Christine Böhmer and John A. Nyakatura Logo
Published online: 12/01/2021

Keywords: cetartiodactyla; Comparative anatomy; neck; Vertebrae; vertebral column


    This contribution contains the 3D models analyzed in Müller et al. (2021) “Pushing the boundary? Testing the ‘functional elongation hypothesis’ of the giraffe’s neck”. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: 3D Finite Element Analysis and Geometric Morphometrics of Sloths (Xenarthra, Folivora) Mandibles Show Insights on the Dietary Specializations of Fossil Taxa
Luciano Varela Logo and Pablo S. Tambusso Logo
Published online: 10/06/2023

Keywords: Ground Sloths; Mandibles; Photogrammetry; Quaternary; South America


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in 3D Finite Element Analysis and Geometric Morphometrics of Sloths (Xenarthra, Folivora) Mandibles Show Insights on the Dietary Specializations of Fossil Taxa. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 10/07/2020

Keywords: Laventan; Neogene; Paleobiogeography; Peru; Tropical South America


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil teeth of a small-bodied platyrrhine primate, Neosaimiri cf. fieldsi (Cebinae, Cebidae, Platyrrhini) discovered from Laventan deposits (late Middle Miocene) of Peruvian Amazonia, San Martín Department (TAR-31: Tarapoto/Juan Guerra vertebrate fossil-bearing locus n°31). These fossils were described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2020), New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Human Evolution. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 03 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: Brief comment on the brain and inner ear of Giganotosaurus carolinii (Dinosauria: Theropoda) based on CT scans.
Mauro N. Nieto Logo and Ariana Paulina-Carabajal Logo
Published online: 01/04/2020

Keywords: Carcharodontosauridae; Cranial endocast; CT scans; Endosseous Labyrinth; Paleoneurology


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Paulina-Carabajal, A. and Nieto, M. N. In press. Brief comment on the brain and inner ear of Giganotosaurus carolinii (Dinosauria: Theropoda) based on CT scans. Ameghiniana.

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Published in Volume 06, issue 02 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids.
Amélie Beaudet Logo, Guillaume Fleury, Emmanuel Gilissen, Jean Dumoncel Logo, John F. Thackeray Logo, Laurent Bruxelles Logo, Benjamin Duployer Logo, Christophe Tenailleau Logo, Lunga Bam Logo, Jakobus Hoffman Logo, Frikke De Beer and José Braga Logo
Published online: 10/10/2019

Keywords: bony labyrinth; cercopithecoids; enamel-dentine junction; upper third molars


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of the enamel-dentine junctions of upper third molars and of the bony labyrinths of the extant cercopithecoid specimens analyzed in the following publication: Beaudet, A., Dumoncel, J., Thackeray, J.F., Bruxelles, L., Duployer, B., Tenailleau, C., Bam, L., Hoffman, J., de Beer, F., Braga, J.: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids. Journal of Human Evolution 95, 104-120. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 01 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: A stem therian mammal from the Early Cretaceous of Germany
Thomas Martin Logo, Alexander O. Averianov Logo, Julia A. Schultz Logo and Achim Schwermann Logo
Published online: 19/09/2023

Keywords: CT image stack; STL model; Theria; tooth; Tribosphenida


    This contribution contains the 3D model described and figured in the following publication: Martin, T., Averianov, A. O., Schultz, J. A., & Schwermann, A. H. (2023). A stem therian mammal from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e2224848. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: The neuroanatomy and pneumaticity of Hamadasuchus from the Cretaceous of Morocco and its significance for the paleoecology of Peirosauridae and other altirostral crocodylomorphs
Yohan Pochat-Cottilloux Logo, Nicolas Rinder, Gwendal Perrichon Logo, Jérôme Adrien Logo, Romain Amiot Logo, Stéphane Hua and Jeremy E. Martin Logo
Published online: 14/06/2023

Keywords: Crocodylomorpha; Hamadasuchus; Kem Kem; paleoneuroanatomy; Peirosauridae


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Pochat-Cottilloux Y., Rinder N., Perrichon G., Adrien J., Amiot R., Hua S. & Martin J. E. (2023). The neuroanatomy and pneumaticity of Hamadasuchus from the Cretaceous of Morocco and its significance for the paleoecology of Peirosauridae and other altirostral crocodylomorphs. Journal of Anatomy, 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)


Page 2 of 9, showing 20 record(s) out of 167 total