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Volume 10, issue 04
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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3D models related to the publication: Morphology of the human embryonic brain and ventricles
Naoki Shiraishi Logo, Airi Katayama, Takashi Nakashima, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada Logo, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose Logo and Tetsuya Takakuwa Logo
Published online: 27/07/2015

Keywords: human brain; human embryo; magnetic resonance imaging; three-dimensional reconstruction


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Shiraishi N et al. Morphology and morphometry of the human embryonic brain: A three-dimensional analysis NeuroImage 115, 2015, 96-103, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.04.044.


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Published in Volume 01, Issue 03 (2015)

3D cranium models of fossils of large canids (Canis lupus) from Goyet, Trou des Nutons and Trou Balleux, Belgium
Allowen Evin Logo, Emmanuel Gilissen and Mietje Germonpré Logo
Published online: 06/11/2015

Keywords: Archaeozoology; Dog; Domestication; Pleistocene; Wolf


    Archaeozoological studies are increasingly using new methods and approaches to explore questions about domestication. Here, we provide 3D models of three archaeological Canis lupus skulls from Belgium originating from the sites of Goyet (31,680±250BP; 31,890+240/-220BP), Trou des Nutons (21,810±90BP) and Trou Balleux (postglacial). Since their identification as either wolves or early dogs is still debated, we present these models as additional tools for further investigating their evolutionary history and the history of dog domestication. 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 03 (2015)

Holotype specimen of Donrussellia magna, an adapiform primate from the early Eocene (MP7) of Southern France
Anusha Ramdarshan, Marc Godinot Logo, Samuel Bédécarrats Logo and Rodolphe Tabuce Logo
Published online: 18/06/2015

Keywords: Adapiformes; Early Eocene; Holotype; Primates; Southern France


    This project presents a µCT dataset and an associated 3D surface model of the holotype of Donrussellia magna (UM PAT 17; Primates, Adapiformes). UM PAT17 is the only known specimen for the species and consists of a well-preserved left lower jaw with p4-m3. It documents one of the oldest European primates, eventually dated near the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. 


    Donrussellia magna UM PAT 17 View specimen


    3D surface file model of UM PAT 17 (type specimen of Donrussellia magna), which is a well preserved left lower jaw with p4-m3. The teeth (and roots) were manually segmented.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf17   state:published

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    CT Scan Data of Donrussellia magna UM PAT 17. Voxel size (in µm): 36µm (isotropic voxels). Dimensions in x,y,z : 594 pixels, 294 pixels, 1038 pixels. Image type : 8-bit voxels. Image format : raw data format (no header).

    Type: "3D_CT"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf18   state:published

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Published in Vol. 01, Issue 02 (2015)

Digital restoration of the snout of Khirtharia inflata (Raoellidae,  Artiodactyla) from the middle Eocene of northwest Himalaya
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Mohd Waqas Logo, Rajendra Rana Logo and Thierry Smith Logo
Published online: 20/06/2024

Keywords: Cetacea; incisor; India; raoellid


    In this work, we digitally restore the snout of the raoellide Khirtharia inflata from the Kalakot area (Rajouri District, Jammu & Kashmir, India). Raoellids are small, semiaquatic ungulates closely related to cetaceans. The specimen is fairly complete and preserves left and right maxillaries, left premaxillary, and part of the anterior and jugal dentition. The digital restoration of this quite complete but deformed specimen of Khirtharia inflata is a welcome addition to the data available for raoellids and will be used to further the understanding of the origins of cetaceans.

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Published in Volume 10, issue 02 (2024)

3D models related to the publication: First Eocene–Miocene anuran fossils from Peruvian Amazonia: insights into Neotropical frog evolution and diversity
Olivier Jansen Logo, Raúl O. Gómez Logo, Antoine Fouquet Logo, Laurent Marivaux Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 22/12/2023

Keywords: Amazonia; Anura; Brachycephaloidea; Cenozoic; Pipidae


    The present contribution contains the 3D models of fossil humeri and ilia of anurans from various Eocene-Miocene deposits of Peruvian Amazonia. These fossils were described and figured in the following publication: Jansen et al. (2023), First Eocene–Miocene anuran fossils from Peruvian Amazonia: insights into Neotropical frog evolution and diversity. Papers in Palaeontology, The Palaeontological Association.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 04 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: A new large pantherine and a sabre-toothed cat (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) from the late Miocene hominoid-bearing Khorat sand pits, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, northeastern Thailand.
Camille Grohé Logo, Arnaud Mazurier Logo, Alicia Blasi-Toccacceli Logo, Louis D. Bonis Logo, Yaowalak Chaimanee Logo, Olivier Chavasseau Logo, Kantapon Suraprasit Logo, Mana Rugbumrung Logo and Jean-Jacques Jaeger Logo
Published online: 04/09/2023

Keywords: Neogene; Pantherinae; Southeast Asia


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Bonis et al. 2023. A new large pantherine and a sabre-toothed cat (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) from the late Miocene hominoid-bearing Khorat sand pits, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, northeastern Thailand. The Science of Nature 110(5):42.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: “Molar wear in house mice: insight into diet preferences at an ecological time scale?”
Sabrina Renaud Logo, Ronan Ledevin Logo, Caroline Romestaing Logo and Emilie A. Hardouin Logo
Published online: 28/07/2023

Keywords: dental functional morphology; mastication; Mus musculus domesticus; Sub-Antarctic environment


    This contribution contains 3D models of upper molar rows of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) belonging to Western European commensal and Sub-Antarctic feral populations. These two groups are characterized by different patterns of wear and alignment of the three molars along the row, related to contrasted masticatory demand in relation with their diet. These models are analyzed in the following publication: Renaud et al 2023, “Molar wear in house mice, insight into diet preferences at an ecological time scale?”,

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: Occurrence of the ground sloth Nothrotheriops (Xenarthra, Folivora) in the Late Pleistocene of Uruguay: New information on its dietary and habitat preferences based on stable isotope analysis
Luciano Varela Logo
Published online: 18/05/2023

Keywords: Ground sloth; Nothrotheriidae; Nothrotheriinae; Quaternary; South America


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the following publication: occurrence of the ground sloth Nothrotheriops (Xenarthra, Folivora) in the Late Pleistocene of Uruguay: New information on its dietary and habitat preferences based on stable isotope analysis. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Cranial anatomy of Hypisodus minimus (Artiodactyla: Ruminantia) from the Oligocene Brule Formation of North America
Hannah Keppeler, Julia A. Schultz Logo, Irina Ruf Logo and Thomas Martin Logo
Published online: 09/03/2023

Keywords: 3D reconstruction; CT data set; Hypertragulidae; skull


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Keppeler, H., Schultz, J. A., Ruf, I., & Martin, T., 2023. Cranial anatomy of Hypisodus minimus (Artiodactyla: Ruminantia) from the Oligocene Brule Formation of North America. Palaeontographica Abteilung A. 


    Hypisodus minimus SMNK-PAL 27212 View specimen


    CT image stack of a skull of Hypisodus minimus. Also includes a lumbar vertebra and a probable proximal phalanx of digit III or IV.

    Type: "3D_CT"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1031   state:published

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    3D surface models of a skull of Hypisodus minimus (SMNK-PAL27212). The data includes a surface model for: basisphenoid, tympanic bullae, ethmoid (lamina perpendicularis), frontals, jugal (left), jugal (right), lacrimals, lower dentition, mandibles, mastoid processes, maxillaries, maxilloturbinals, nasals, occipital, palatine, parietals, petrosals, presphenoid, squamosals, turbinates, upper dentition, and the vomer.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1036   state:published

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    Hypisodus minimus SMNK-PAL 27213 View specimen


    CT image stack of a skull of Hypisodus minimus. Also shows numerous postcranial material including an atlas articulated with the occipital bone, the distal part of a left humerus articulated to radius and ulna, a part of a femur, a part of a tibia and fibula, unidentifiable tarsal bones, parts of the metatarsals II, III, IV and V and their phalanges, a proximal phalanx of digit III or IV, a middle phalanx of digit III or IV, a possible patella and calcaneus, as well as numerous unidentifiable broken bony fragments.

    Type: "3D_CT"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1033   state:published

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    3D surface models of a skull of Hypisodus minimus (SMNK-PAL27213). The data includes a surface model for: atlas, basisphenoid, tympanic bullae, nasals, occipital, the petrosals, and the inner ear.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.1035   state:published

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Published in Volume 09, issue 01 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: A Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Middle-Late Holocene landscapes of the Brazilian Northeast (Bahia): submerged cave deposits and stable isotopes
Leonardo S. Lobo Logo, Leandro D. O. Salles Logo and Carlos R. Moraes Neto Logo
Published online: 09/09/2021

Keywords: Caatinga biome; Carnivora; mammal; Photogrammetry


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of a skull analyzed in “A Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Middle-Late Holocene landscapes of the Brazilian Northeast (Bahia): submerged cave deposits and stable isotopes”. The 3D model was generated by photogrammetry. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 03 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: The endocranial cast of Indohyus (Artiodactyla, Raoellidae): the origin of the cetacean brain
Maëva J. Orliac Logo and J. G. M. Thewissen Logo
Published online: 27/04/2021

Keywords: brain; Cetacea; CT scan; endocast; Eocene


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of the endocranial cast of two specimens of Indohyus indirae described in the article entitled “The endocranial cast of Indohyus (Artiodactyla, Raoellidae): the origin of the cetacean brain” (Orliac and Thewissen, 2021). They represent the cast of the main cavity of the braincase as well as associated intraosseous sinuses.

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Published in Volume 07, issue 02 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: Re-description of the braincase of the rebbachisaurid sauropod Limaysaurus tessonei and novel endocranial information based on CT scans
Ariana Paulina-Carabajal Logo and Jorge Calvo
Published online: 03/02/2021

Keywords: Cranial endocast; Dinosauria; inner ear; Paleoneurology


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Paulina-Carabajal A and Calvo JO 2021. Re-description of the braincase of the rebbachisaurid sauropod Limaysaurus tessonei and novel endocranial information based on CT scans. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93(Suppl. 2): e20200762 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: An unpredicted ancient colonization of the West Indies by North American rodents: dental evidence of a geomorph from the early Oligocene of Puerto Rico
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 16/07/2021

Keywords: Caribbean islands; Geomorpha; Paleobiogeography; Paleogene; Rodentia


    This contribution provides the raw files for the μCT-scan data and renderings of the three-dimensional digital models of two fossil teeth of a geomyin geomorph rodent (Caribeomys merzeraudi), discovered from lower Oligocene deposits of Puerto Rico, San Sebastian Formation (locality LACM Loc. 8060). These fossils were described, figured and discussed in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2021), An unpredicted ancient colonization of the West Indies by North American rodents: dental evidence of a geomorph from the early Oligocene of Puerto Rico. Papers in Palaeontology. 


    Caribeomys merzeraudi LACM 162478 View specimen


    Right lower dp4: isolated deciduous premolar. The specimen was scanned with a resolution of 5 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France). AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used for visualization, segmentation, and 3D rendering. This isolated tooth was prepared within a “labelfield” module of AVIZO, using the segmentation threshold selection tool.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.712   state:published

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    5µm µCT data set . Right lower dp4: isolated deciduous premolar. The specimen was scanned with a resolution of 5 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France).

    Type: "3D_CT"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.714   state:published

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    Caribeomys merzeraudi LACM 162449 View specimen


    Right lower molar (m1 or m2). The specimen was scanned with a resolution of 4.5 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France). AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used for visualization, segmentation, and 3D rendering. This isolated tooth was prepared within a “labelfield” module of AVIZO, using the segmentation threshold selection tool.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.713   state:published

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    µCT data at 4.5µm

    Type: "3D_CT"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.715   state:published

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Published in Volume 07, issue 03 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: A new traversodontid cynodont with a peculiar postcanine dentition from the Middle/Late Triassic of Namibia and dental evolution in basal gomphodonts.
Christophe Hendrickx Logo, Leandro C. Gaetano Logo, Jonah N. Choiniere Logo, Helke Mocke Logo and Fernando Abdala
Published online: 22/09/2020

Keywords: Cynodontia; Gomphodontia; postcanine; teeth; Traversodontidae


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Hendrickx, C., Gaetano, L. C., Choiniere, J., Mocke, H. and Abdala, F. in press. A new traversodontid cynodont with a peculiar postcanine dentition from the Middle/Late Triassic of Namibia and dental evolution in basal gomphodonts. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology

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Published in Volume 06, issue 05 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: “Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals”
Sérgio Ferreira-Cardoso, Pierre-Henri Fabre Logo, Benoît de Thoisy Logo, Frédéric Delsuc Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 29/07/2020

Keywords: anteaters; Comparative anatomy; convergence; masticatory apparatus; myology; myrmecophagy


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models described in “Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals”. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 04 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: A 50-million-year-old, three-dimensionally preserved bat skull supports an early origin for modern echolocation
Jacob Maugoust Logo and Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 19/10/2023

Keywords: Bony labyrinth; Chiroptera; Cranium; Eocene; Paleontology


    The present 3D Dataset contains 3D models of the cranium surface and of the bony labyrinth endocast of the stem bat Vielasia sigei. They are used by (Hand et al., 2023) to explore the phylogenetic position of this species, to infer its laryngeal echolocating capabilities, and to eventually discuss chiropteran evolution before the crown clade diversification. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 04 (2023)

3D model of Palaeolama sp. related to the publication: Endocranial casts of Camelops hesternus and Palaeolama sp., new insights into the recent history of the camelid brain.
Ana Balcarcel Logo, Dylan Bastiaans and Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 25/09/2023

Keywords: Artiodactyla; Camelidae; natural endocast; neocortex


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of the endocranial cast of Palaeolama sp. from the mid-Pleistocene (~1.2 Mya) of South America, analyzed in Balcarcel et al. 2023.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Miocene Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the Linxia Basin (China) connect Europe and Asia and show early evolutionary diversity of a today monogeneric family
Bastien Mennecart Logo, Shi-Qi Wang, Jie Cheng, Luda Xing, Jiao Fu Logo and Manuela Aiglstorfer Logo
Published online: 21/04/2023

Keywords: dispersal; Hispanomeryx; Micromeryx; origin; saber tooth; Systematics


    The present 3D Dataset contains 3D models of the holotypes described in Aiglstorfer et al.  (2023a). Miocene Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the Linxia Basin (China) connect Europe and Asia and show early evolutionary diversity of a today monogeneric family. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: A new cynodont from the Upper Triassic Los Colorados Formation (Argentina, South America) reveals a novel paleobiogeographic context for mammalian ancestors
Leandro C. Gaetano Logo, Fernando Abdala, Federico D. Seoane, Aureliano Tartaglione, Michael Schulz, Alejandro Otero, Juan M. Leardi Logo, Cecilia Apaldetti Logo, Veronica Krapovickas Logo and Eugenio Steinbach
Published online: 25/04/2022

Keywords: Cynodontia; Late Triassic; Paleobiogeography; phylogeny; Probainognathia


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in Gaetano, L. C., Abdala, F., Seoane, F. D., Tartaglione, A., Schulz, M., Otero, A., Leardi, J. M., Apaldetti, C., Krapovickas, V., and Steinbach, E. 2021. A new cynodont from the Upper Triassic Los Colorados Formation (Argentina, South America) reveals a novel paleobiogeographic context for mammalian ancestors. Scientific Reports. 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: The neuroanatomy of Zulmasuchus querejazus (Crocodylomorpha, Sebecidae) and its implications for the paleoecology of sebecosuchians
Yohan Pochat-Cottilloux Logo, Jeremy E. Martin Logo, Stéphane Jouve Logo, Gwendal Perrichon Logo, Jérôme Adrien Logo, Céline Salaviale, Christian de Muizon Logo, Ricardo Cespedes and Romain Amiot Logo
Published online: 26/11/2021

Keywords: Bolivia; Crocodylomorpha; paleoneuroanatomy; Sebecidae; Zulmasuchus


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Pochat-Cottilloux Y., Martin J.E., Jouve S., Perrichon G., Adrien J., Salaviale C., de Muizon C., Cespedes R. & Amiot R. (2021). The neuroanatomy of Zulmasuchus querejazus (Crocodylomorpha, Sebecidae) and its implications for the paleoecology of sebecosuchians. The Anatomical Record, 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)


Page 4 of 10, showing 20 record(s) out of 183 total