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Volume 09, issue 04
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Page 4 of 9, showing 20 record(s) out of 167 total

3D models related to the publication: Phylogenetic implications of the systematic reassessment of Xenacanthiformes and ‘Ctenacanthiformes’ (Chondrichthyes) neurocrania from the Carboniferous-Permian Autun Basin (France)
Vincent Luccisano Logo, Mizuki Rambert-Natsuaki, Gilles Cuny Logo, Romain Amiot Logo, Jean-Marc Pouillon and Alan Pradel Logo
Published online: 20/10/2021

Keywords: Carboniferous; neurocranium; Permian; Xenacanthiformes; ‘Ctenacanthiformes’


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of Carboniferous-Permian chondrichthyan neurocrania analyzed in “Phylogenetic implications of the systematic reassessment of Xenacanthiformes and ‘Ctenacanthiformes’ (Chondrichthyes) neurocrania from the Carboniferous-Permian Autun Basin (France)”. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: The neuroanatomy of Zulmasuchus querejazus (Crocodylomorpha, Sebecidae) and its implications for the paleoecology of sebecosuchians
Yohan Pochat-Cottilloux Logo, Jeremy E. Martin Logo, Stéphane Jouve Logo, Gwendal Perrichon Logo, Jérôme Adrien Logo, Céline Salaviale, Christian de Muizon Logo, Ricardo Cespedes and Romain Amiot Logo
Published online: 26/11/2021

Keywords: Bolivia; Crocodylomorpha; paleoneuroanatomy; Sebecidae; Zulmasuchus


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Pochat-Cottilloux Y., Martin J.E., Jouve S., Perrichon G., Adrien J., Salaviale C., de Muizon C., Cespedes R. & Amiot R. (2021). The neuroanatomy of Zulmasuchus querejazus (Crocodylomorpha, Sebecidae) and its implications for the paleoecology of sebecosuchians. The Anatomical Record, 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: New remains of Nalamaeryx (Tragulidae, Mammalia) from the Ladakh Himalaya and their phylogenetical and palaeoenvironmental implications
Wasim A. Wazir Logo, Bastien Mennecart Logo, Ramesh K. Sehgal, Navin Kumar, Piyush Uniyal Logo, Rajeev Patnaik Logo and Rohit Kumar
Published online: 03/01/2022

Keywords: Ladakh Himalaya; Mandibles; Nalameryx; Oligocene; ruminant


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Mennecart B., Wazir W.A., Sehgal R.K., Patnaik R., Singh N.P., Kumar N, and Nanda A.C. 2021. New remains of Nalamaeryx (Tragulidae, Mammalia) from the Ladakh Himalaya and their phylogenetical and palaeoenvironmental implications. Historical Biology.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 01 (2022)


3D models related to the publication: The morphology and evolution of chondrichthyan cranial muscles: a digital dissection of the elephantfish Callorhinchus milii and the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula
Richard Dearden Logo, Rohan Mansuit Logo, Anthony Herrel Logo, Antoine Cuckovic Logo, Dominique Didier, Paul Tafforeau Logo and Alan Pradel Logo
Published online: 11/01/2021

Keywords: chondrichthyan; cranial muscles; digital dissection; elasmobranch; holocephalan


    This contribution contains 3D models of the cranial skeleton and muscles in an elephantfish (Callorhinchus milii) and a catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula), based on synchrotron tomographic scans. These datasets were analyzed and described in Dearden et al. (2021) “The morphology and evolution of chondrichthyan cranial muscles: a digital dissection of the elephantfish Callorhinchus milii and the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula.” Journal of Anatomy. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

3D model related to the publication: A new species of the large-headed coastal marine turtle Solnhofia (Testudinata, Thalassochelydia) from the Late Jurassic of NW Switzerland
Jérémy Anquetin Logo and Christian Püntener Logo
Published online: 16/09/2020

Keywords: cranium; Late Jurassic; Solnhofia; Thalassochelydia


    This contribution contains the 3D surface model of the holotype cranium of the Late Jurassic thalassochelydian turtle Solnhofia brachyrhyncha described and figured in the publication of Anquetin and Püntener (2020). 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 04 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: The ossicular chain of Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla)
Alexandre Assemat Logo, Mickaël Mourlam Logo and Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 08/04/2020

Keywords: Caenomeryx; incus; Late Oligocene; malleus; stapes


    This contribution includes the 3D models of the reconstructed ossicular chain of the cainotheriid Caenomeryx filholi from the late Oligocene locality of Pech Desse (MP28, Quercy, France) described and figured in the publication of Assemat et al. (2020). It represents the oldest ossicular chain reconstruction for a Paleogene terrestrial artiodactyl species. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 02 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: The endocranial anatomy of the stem turtle Naomichelys speciosa from the Early Cretaceous of North America
Ariana Paulina-Carabajal Logo, Juliana Sterli Logo and Ingmar Werneburg Logo
Published online: 10/09/2019

Keywords: brain endocast; inner ear; micro computed tomography; Morphology; Testudinata


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the following publication: Paulina-Carabajal, A., Sterli, J., Werneburg, I., 2019. The endocranial anatomy of the stem turtle Naomichelys speciosa from the Early Cretaceous of North America. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 

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Published in Volume 05, issue 04 (2019)

3D reconstructions of dental epithelium during Oryctolagus cuniculus embryonic development related to the publication ”Morphological features of tooth development and replacement in the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
Ludivine Bertonnier-Brouty Logo, Laurent Viriot Logo, Thierry Joly Logo and Cyril Charles Logo
Published online: 30/09/2019

Keywords: dental development; Oryctolagus cuniculus; rabbit teeth; tooth replacement

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Published in Volume 05, issue 04 (2019)

3D models related to the publication: Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines.
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Renaud Lebrun Logo and Rodolphe Tabuce Logo
Published online: 05/10/2018

Keywords: Africa; Djebelemuridae; Paleogene; Primates; Strepsirhini


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil remains (maxilla, dentary, and talus) attributed to Djebelemur martinezi, a ca. 50 Ma primate from Tunisia (Djebel Chambi), described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2013), Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines. PLoS ONE.  

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Published in Volume 04, issue 03 (2018)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: The Neogene record of northern South American native ungulates
Juan D. Carrillo Logo, Eli Amson Logo, Carlos Jaramillo Logo, Rodolfo Sánchez, Luis Quiroz, Carlos Cuartas, Aldo F. Rincón Burbano Logo and Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra Logo
Published online: 30/07/2018

Keywords: Astrapotheria; Castilletes Formation; Neogene; Notoungulata; San Gregorio Formation


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in: The Neogene record of northern South American native ungulates. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology. Doi: 10.5479/si.1943-6688.101

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Published in Volume 04, issue 02 (2018)

3D models of three wolf pup skulls related to the publication: Neomorphosis and heterochrony of skull shape in dog domestication
Dominic Gascho Logo, Sabrina Beutler, Cornelia Mainini and Madeleine Geiger Logo
Published online: 18/10/2017

Keywords: Canidae; Canis lupus; Carnivora


    This contribution comprises the 3D models of three wolf pup skulls, which were used for the publication by Geiger et al. 2017 on Neomorphosis and heterochrony of skull shape in dog domestication. 

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 04 (2017)

Skeletogenesis during the late embryonic development of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes; Neoselachii)
Sébastien Enault, Sylvain Adnet Logo and Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud Logo
Published online: 25/04/2016

Keywords: Chondrichthyes; development; mineralization; Scyliorhinus canicula; skeleton


    Current knowledge on the skeletogenesis of Chondrichthyes is scarce compared with their extant sister group, the bony fishes. Most of the previously described developmental tables in Chondrichthyes have focused on embryonic external morphology only. Due to its small body size and relative simplicity to raise eggs in laboratory conditions, the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula has emerged as a reference species to describe developmental mechanisms in the Chondrichthyes lineage. Here we investigate the dynamic of mineralization in a set of six embryonic specimens using X-ray microtomography and describe the developing units of both the dermal skeleton (teeth and dermal scales) and endoskeleton (vertebral axis). This preliminary data on skeletogenesis in the catshark sets the first bases to a more complete investigation of the skeletal developmental in Chondrichthyes. It should provide comparison points with data known in osteichthyans and could thus be used in the broader context of gnathostome skeletal evolution. 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)

The endocranial cast of Microchoerus erinaceus (Euprimates, Tarsiiformes).
Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 24/09/2015

Keywords: endocast; Late Eocene; Omomyiformes; Primate


    This contribution contains the 3D model described and figured in the following publication: Ramdarshan A., Orliac M.J., 2015. Endocranial morphology of Microchoerus erinaceus (Euprimates, Tarsiiformes) and early evolution of the Euprimates brain. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22868


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Published in Volume 01, Issue 03 (2015)

3D models related to the publication: Anatomical correlates and nomenclature of the chiropteran endocranial cast
Jacob Maugoust Logo and Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 06/04/2023

Keywords: angiology; bats; brain; endocast; neuroanatomy


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of extant Chiropteran endocranial casts, documenting 16 of the 19 extant bat families. They are used by Maugoust & Orliac (2023) to assess the correspondences between the brain and brain-surrounding tissues (i.e., neural tissues, blood vessels, meninges) and their imprint on the braincase, allowing for eventually proposing a Chiroptera-scale nomenclature of the endocast. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Virtual endocasts of Clevosaurus brasiliensis and the tuatara: rhynchocephalian neuroanatomy and the oldest endocranial record for Lepidosauria
Lívia Roese-Miron Logo, Marc Jones Logo, José D. Ferreira Logo and Annie Hsiou Logo
Published online: 11/05/2023

Keywords: endocast; Ontogeny; Rhynchocephalia; Sphenodon punctatus; Triassic


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the following manuscript: L. Roese-Miron, M.E.H. Jones, J.D. Ferreira and A.S. Hsiou., 2023. Virtual endocasts of Clevosaurus brasiliensis and the tuatara: Rhynchocephalian neuroanatomy and the oldest endocranial record for Lepidosauria.

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Brain endocast of two non-mammaliaform cynodonts from southern Brazil: an ontogenetic and evolutionary approach.
Carolina Hoffmann Logo, Pablo Rodrigues, Marina B. Soares Logo and Marco Brandalise de Andrade Logo
Published online: 09/08/2022

Keywords: Brain evolution; Computed Tomography; Cynodontia; Encephalization Quotient; Triassic.


    This contribution contains the 3D model(s) described and figured in the following publication: Carolina A. Hoffmann, P. G. Rodrigues, M. B. Soares & M. B. Andrade. 2021. Brain endocast of two non-mammaliaform cynodonts from southern Brazil: an ontogenetic and evolutionary approach, Historical Biology, 33:8, 1196-1207, 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 03 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Skull sutures and cranial mechanics in the Permian reptile Captorhinus aguti and the evolution of the temporal region in early amniotes
Pascal Abel Logo, Yannick Pommery, David P. Ford Logo, Daisuke Koyabu Logo and Ingmar Werneburg Logo
Published online: 28/05/2022

Keywords: Captorhinidae; Cranial osteology; Eureptilia; Reptilia; Sauropsida


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: Abel P., Pommery Y., Ford D. P., Koyabu D., Werneburg I. 2022. Skull sutures and cranial mechanics in the Permian reptile Captorhinus aguti and the evolution of the temporal region in early amniotes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: First records of extinct kentriodontid and squalodelphinid dolphins from the Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian age) of Switzerland and a reappraisal of the Swiss cetacean fauna.
Gabriel Aguirre-Fernández Logo, Jürg Jost and Sarah Hilfiker Logo
Published online: 19/04/2022

Keywords: bony labyrinth; inner ear; Kentriodontidae; Physeteridae; Squalodelphinidae


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Aguirre-Fernández G, Jost J, and Hilfiker S. 2022. First records of extinct kentriodontid and squalodelphinid dolphins from the Upper Marine Molasse (Burdigalian age) of Switzerland and a reappraisal of the Swiss cetacean fauna. 

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

Brain damage: the endocranial cast of Mixtotherium cuspidatum (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Victor Brun Museum (Montauban, France)
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Hugo Bouaziz and Romain Weppe Logo
Published online: 25/11/2021

Keywords: artiodactyl; Late Eocene; Quercy


    Our knowledge of the external brain morphology of the late Eocene artiodactyl ungulate Mixtotherium, relies on a plaster model realized on a specimen from the Victor Brun Museum in Montauban (France) and described by Dechaseaux (1973). Here, based on micro CT-scan data, we virtually reconstruct the 3D cast of the empty cavity of the partial cranium MA PHQ 716 from the Victor Brun Museum and compare it to the plaster model illustrated and described by Dechaseaux (1973). Indeed, the specimen from which the original plaster endocast originates was not identified by Dechaseaux by a specimen number. We confirm here that the studied specimen was indeed the one described and illustrated by Dechaseaux (1973). We also reconstruct a second, more detailed, model providing additional morphological and quantitative observations made available by micro CT scan investigation such as precisions on the neopallium folding and endocranial volumes.

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata)
Kévin Le Verger Logo, Laureano Gonzalez Ruiz and Guillaume Billet Logo
Published online: 07/04/2023

Keywords: alveolar cavities; canals; cingulata; cranial anatomy; evolutionary scenarios.


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the following publication: Le Verger K., González Ruiz L.R., Billet G. 2021. Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Journal of Anatomy 00: 1-30 p. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)


Page 4 of 9, showing 20 record(s) out of 167 total