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Volume 09, issue 04
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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3D models related to the publication: Brief comment on the brain and inner ear of Giganotosaurus carolinii (Dinosauria: Theropoda) based on CT scans.
Mauro N. Nieto Logo and Ariana Paulina-Carabajal Logo
Published online: 01/04/2020

Keywords: Carcharodontosauridae; Cranial endocast; CT scans; Endosseous Labyrinth; Paleoneurology


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Paulina-Carabajal, A. and Nieto, M. N. In press. Brief comment on the brain and inner ear of Giganotosaurus carolinii (Dinosauria: Theropoda) based on CT scans. Ameghiniana.

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Published in Volume 06, issue 02 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Francisco R. Negri Logo and Ana M. Ribeiro Logo
Published online: 04/07/2023

Keywords: Brazilian Amazonia; early Anthropoidea; Eosimiidae; Paleobiogeography; Platyrrhini


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional digital model of one isolated fossil tooth of an anthropoid primate (Ashaninkacebus simpsoni), discovered in sedimentary deposits located on the upper Rio Juruá in State of Acre, Brazil (Western Amazonia). This fossil was described, figured and discussed in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2023), An eosimiid primate of South Asian affinities in the Paleogene of Western Amazonia and the origin of New World monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.  

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: On Roth's "human fossil" from Baradero, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina: morphological and genetic analysis
Lumila P. Menéndez Logo, Idalia G. López Cruz and Thomas Schmelzle
Published online: 06/10/2023

Keywords: 3D cranial reconstruction; anthropology collections; Argentinean Pampas; Holocene; Santiago Roth


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the publication : On Roth’s “human fossil” from Baradero, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina: morphological and genetic analysis. The “human fossil” from Baradero, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, is a collection of skeleton parts first recovered by Swiss paleontologist Santiago Roth and further studied by anthropologist Rudolf Martin. By the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century it was considered as one of the oldest human skeletons from the southern cone. We studied the cranial anatomy and contextualized the ancient individual remains. We discuss the context of the finding, conducted an osteobiographical assessment and performed a 3D virtual reconstruction of the skull, using micro-CT-scans on selected skull fragments and the mandible. This was followed by the extraction of bone tissue and teeth samples for radiocarbon and genetic analyses, which brought only limited results due to poor preservation and possible contamination. We estimate that the individual from Baradero is a middle-aged adult male. We conclude that the revision of foundational collections with current methodological tools brings new insights and clarifies long held assumptions on the significance of samples that were recovered when archaeology was not yet professionalized. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 04 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera.
Richard Dearden Logo, Anthony Herrel Logo and Alan Pradel Logo
Published online: 18/01/2023

Keywords: chondrichthyan; holocephalan; iniopterygian; Pennsylvanian; suction feeding


    The present 3D Dataset contains 3D models of the cranial, visceral, and pectoral endoskeleton of Iniopera, an iniopterygian stem-group holocephalan from the Pennsylvanian of the USA. These data formed the basis for the analyses carried out in Dearden et al. (2023) “Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera” PNAS. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 01 (2023)

3D model related to the publication: Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks
Aldo Benites-Palomino Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo, Ali Altamirano-Sierra Logo, Alberto Collareta Logo, Jorge D. Carrillo-Briceño Logo and Mario Urbina Logo
Published online: 29/06/2022

Keywords: bite marks; cetaceans; predation; sharks; sperm whales


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Benites-Palomino A., Velez-Juarbe J., Altamirano-Sierra A., Collareta A., Carrillo-Briceño J., and Urbina M. 2022. Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their Trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

3D models associated to: Paleoneurology of Artiodactyla, an overview of the evolution of the artiodactyl brain
Maëva J. Orliac Logo
Published online: 15/12/2022

Keywords: artiodactyl; brain; cerebrum; endocast; neopallium


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models illustrated and described in the chapter “Paleoneurology of Artiodactyla, an overview of the evolution of the artiodactyl brain” (Orliac et al. 2022) published in "Paleoneurology of amniotes: new directions in the study of fossil endocasts", edited by Dozo, Paulina-Carabajal, Macrini and Walsh.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 04 (2022)

3D models related to the publication: Postcranial morphology of the extinct rodent Neoepiblema (Rodentia: Chinchilloidea): insights into the paleobiology of neoepiblemids
Leonardo Kerber Logo, Adriana M. Candela Logo, José D. Ferreira Logo, Flávio A. Pretto Logo, Jamile Bubadué Logo and Francisco R. Negri Logo
Published online: 20/10/2021

Keywords: Chinchilloidea; functional morphology; Giant rodents; Neogene; Solimões Formation.


    This contribution contains the 3D models of postcranial bones (humerus, ulna, innominate, femur, tibia, astragalus, navicular, and metatarsal III) described and figured in the following publication: “Postcranial morphology of the extinct rodent Neoepiblema (Rodentia: Chinchilloidea): insights into the paleobiology of neoepiblemids”. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 04 (2021)

3D model related to the publication: Niche partitioning of the European carnivorous mammals during the paleogene.
Floréal Solé Logo, Morgane Dubied Logo, Kévin Le Verger Logo and Bastien Mennecart Logo
Published online: 21/01/2019

Keywords: anatomy; France; juvenile; Oligocene; skull


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the following publication: Solé et al. (2018), Niche partitioning of the European carnivorous mammals during the paleogene. Palaios. 


    Hyaenodon leptorhynchus FSL848325 View specimen


    The specimen FSL848325 is separated in two fragments: the anterior part bears the incisors, the deciduous and permanent canines, while the posterior part bears the right P3, P4, M1 and M2. The P2 is isolated. When combined, the cranium length is approximatively 10.5 cm long. The anterior part is 6.9 cm long and 2.15 cm wide (taken at the level of the P1). The posterior part is 4.8 cm long. The anterior part of the cranium is very narrow.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.336   state:published

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Published in Volume 05, issue 01 (2019)

3D models related to the publication: Morphogenesis of the liver during the human embryonic period
Ayumi Hirose Logo, Takashi Nakashima, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada Logo, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose Logo and Tetsuya Takakuwa Logo
Published online: 17/03/2016

Keywords: human embryo; human liver; magnetic resonance imaging; three-dimensional reconstruction


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: Hirose, A., Nakashima, T., Yamada, S., Uwabe, C., Kose, K., Takakuwa, T. 2012. Embryonic liver morphology and morphometry by magnetic resonance microscopic imaging.  Anat Rec (Hoboken) 295, 51-59. doi: 10.1002/ar.21496 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)

3D cranium models of fossils of large canids (Canis lupus) from Goyet, Trou des Nutons and Trou Balleux, Belgium
Allowen Evin Logo, Emmanuel Gilissen and Mietje Germonpré Logo
Published online: 06/11/2015

Keywords: Archaeozoology; Dog; Domestication; Pleistocene; Wolf


    Archaeozoological studies are increasingly using new methods and approaches to explore questions about domestication. Here, we provide 3D models of three archaeological Canis lupus skulls from Belgium originating from the sites of Goyet (31,680±250BP; 31,890+240/-220BP), Trou des Nutons (21,810±90BP) and Trou Balleux (postglacial). Since their identification as either wolves or early dogs is still debated, we present these models as additional tools for further investigating their evolutionary history and the history of dog domestication. 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 03 (2015)

3D model related to the publication: The inner ear of Megatherium and the evolution of the vestibular system in sloths.
Guillaume Billet Logo, Damien Germain Logo, Irina Ruf Logo, Christian de Muizon Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 24/02/2015

Keywords: bony labyrinth; inner ear; Megatherium; Sloth


    This contribution contains the 3D model described and figured in the following publication: Billet G., Germain D., Ruf I., Muizon C. de, Hautier L. 2013. The inner ear of Megatherium and the evolution of the vestibular system in sloths. Journal of Anatomy 123:557-567, DOI: 10.1111/joa.12114


    Megatherium americanum MNHN.F.PAM276 View specimen


    This model corresponds to a virtually reconstructed bony labyrinth of the right inner ear of the skull MNHN-F-PAM 276, attributed to the extinct giant ground sloth Megatherium americanum. The fossil comes from Pleistocene deposits at Rio Salado (Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina). The bony labyrinth of Megatherium shows semicircular canals that are proportionally much larger than in the modern two-toed and three-toed sloths. The cochlea in Megatherium shows 2.5 turns, which is a rather high value within Xenarthra. Overall, the shape of the bony labyrinth of Megatherium resembles more that of extant armadillos than that of its extant sloth relatives.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf14   state:published

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Published in Vol. 01, Issue 02 (2015)

3D fossil reconstruction related to the publication: Body shape and life style of the extinct rodent Canariomys bravoi from Tenerife, Canary Islands.
Jacques Michaux, Lionel Hautier Logo, Rainer Hutterer Logo, Renaud Lebrun Logo, Franck Guy Logo and Francisco García-Talavera
Published online: 05/01/2015

Keywords: Canariomys; Canary Islands; Fossil reconstruction; Insularity; Rodentia


    This contribution contains the 3D reconstruction of Canariomys bravoi, described and figured in the following publication: Michaux J., Hautier L., Hutterer R., Lebrun R., Guy F., García-Talavera F., 2012 : Body shape and life style of the extinct rodent Canariomys bravoi (Mammalia, Murinae) from Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (7), 485-494. DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2012.06.004


    Canariomys bravoi TFMCV872-873 View specimen


    This file contains the 3D reconstruction of Canariomys bravoi, described and figured in the following publication: Michaux J., Hautier L., Hutterer R., Lebrun R., Guy F., García-Talavera F., 2012 : Body shape and life style of the extinct rodent Canariomys bravoi (Mammalia, Murinae) from Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (7), 485-494.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf6   state:published

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Published in Vol. 01, Issue 01 (2015)

3D models related to the publication: An assemblage of giant aquatic snakes (Serpentes, Palaeophiidae) from the Eocene of Togo
Georgios L. Georgalis Logo, Guillaume Guinot Logo, Koffi E. Kassegne, Yawovi Z. Amoudji Logo, Ampah K. Johnson, Henri Cappetta Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 24/09/2021

Keywords: Africa; Eocene; Palaeophis; Serpentes; vertebral anatomy


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Georgalis, G.L., G. Guinot, K.E. Kassegne, Y.Z. Amoudji, A.K.C. Johnson, H. Cappetta and L. Hautier. 2021. An assemblage of giant aquatic snakes (Serpentes, Palaeophiidae) from the Eocene of Togo. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 140, 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 03 (2021)

3D model related to the publication: Presence of the ground sloth Valgipes bucklandi (Xenarthra, Folivora, Scelidotheriinae) in southern Uruguay during the Late Pleistocene: Ecological and biogeographical implications
Luciano Varela Logo, Carolina Lobato and Pablo S. Tambusso Logo
Published online: 24/06/2021

Keywords: Ground sloth; Mylodontidae; Quaternary; Scelidotheriinae; South America


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in Presence of the ground sloth Valgipes bucklandi (Xenarthra, Folivora, Scelidotheriinae) in southern Uruguay during the Late Pleistocene: Ecological and biogeographical implications. Quaternary International. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 02 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: Reassessment of the enigmatic ruminant Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Pecora).
Bastien Mennecart Logo, Grégoire Métais Logo, Jérémy Tissier Logo, Loïc Costeur Logo and Gertrud Rössner Logo
Published online: 01/02/2021

Keywords: bony labyrinth; Miocene; Petrosal bone; ruminant; skull


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Mennecart B., Métais G., Costeur L., Ginsburg L, and Rössner G. 2021, Reassessment of the enigmatic ruminant Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Pecora). PlosOne. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

A 3D geometric morphometric dataset quantifying skeletal variation in birds
Alexander Bjarnason Logo and Roger Benson Logo
Published online: 09/02/2021

Keywords: birds; geometric morphometrics; macroevolution; Morphology; skeleton


    Macroevolution is integral to understanding the patterns of the diversification of life. As the life sciences increasingly use big data approaches, large multivariate datasets are required to test fundamental macroevolutionary hypotheses. In vertebrate evolution, large datasets have been created to quantify morphological variation, largely focusing on particular areas of the skeleton. We provide a landmarking protocol to quantify morphological variation in skeletal elements across the head, trunk, hindlimb and forelimb using 3-dimensional landmarks and semilandmarks, and present a large pan-skeletal database of bird morphology for 149 taxa across avian phylogeny using CT scan data. This large collection of 3D models and geometric morphometric data is open access and can be used in the future for new research, teaching and outreach. The 3D models and CT scans of the 149 specimens related to this project can be downloaded at MorphoSource (

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Published in Volume 07, issue 01 (2021)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 10/07/2020

Keywords: Laventan; Neogene; Paleobiogeography; Peru; Tropical South America


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil teeth of a small-bodied platyrrhine primate, Neosaimiri cf. fieldsi (Cebinae, Cebidae, Platyrrhini) discovered from Laventan deposits (late Middle Miocene) of Peruvian Amazonia, San Martín Department (TAR-31: Tarapoto/Juan Guerra vertebrate fossil-bearing locus n°31). These fossils were described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2020), New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Human Evolution. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 03 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal
Rodolphe Tabuce Logo, Raphaël Sarr Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 11/12/2019

Keywords: Africa; Eocene; Proboscidea; Senegal


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D surface  model and the µCT scan analyzed in the following publication: R. Tabuce, R. Sarr, S. Adnet, R. Lebrun, F. Lihoreau, J. E. Martin, B. Sambou, M. Thiam, and L. Hautier: Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal. Journal of Paleontology, in press, doi: 10.1017/jpa.2019.98

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Published in Volume 06, issue 01 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: From limb to fin: an Eocene protocetid forelimb from Senegal sheds new light on the early locomotor evolution of early cetaceans.
Quentin Vautrin Logo, Fabrice Lihoreau Logo, Bernard Sambou, Moustapha Thiam, Jeremy E. Martin Logo, Rodolphe Tabuce Logo, Sylvain Adnet Logo, Renaud Lebrun Logo, Anne-Lise Charruault Logo, Raphaël Sarr Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 26/08/2019

Keywords: Cetacea; Eocene; Forelimb; Protocetidae; Senegal


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in Vautrin et al. (2019), Palaeontology, From limb to fin: an Eocene protocetid forelimb from Senegal sheds new light on the early locomotor evolution of early cetaceans. 

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Published in Volume 05, issue 03 (2019)

3D models related to the publication: Morphogenesis of the stomach during the human embryonic period
Ami Nako, Norihito Kaigai, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada Logo, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose Logo and Tetsuya Takakuwa Logo
Published online: 16/11/2015

Keywords: human embryo; human stomach; magnetic resonance imaging; three-dimensional reconstruction


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: Kaigai N et al. Morphogenesis and three-dimensional movement of the stomach during the human embryonic period, Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2014 May;297(5):791-797. doi: 10.1002/ar.22833. 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)


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